Switched On Business Awards

Up to four times a year, the Switched On Business Award celebrates sustainability action across local businesses within Partner Council areas.

Get your business recognised for sustainability!

Local businesses that have made impressive steps to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation and water use can nominate or be nominated for this award year round, with nominations assessed by the South East Regional Energy Group up to twice per year.

Winners of the Switched on Business Award receive a framed certificate which is presented by a Councillor from the local government at an official event. The winner is acknowledged on Switch your Thinking’s website, Facebook page and e-newsletter.


Current nomination round closes Friday, 19th July 2024

How to Enter

Write Your Nomination

To nominate for a Switched on Business Award, businesses need to submit a written nomination (approximately one A4 page) that includes information about the business and why it is seeking to increase its sustainability credentials, as well as 10 dot points outlining how their  actions are leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions or are embedding sustainability into everyday operations.  Where possible, quantify how changes that have been implemented have contributed to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation and water use. 
Examples of sustainable business practices:
Energy Use
  • Changing lights to LED fittings
  • Installation of solar panels and battery systems
  • Switching from gas to electricity for heating and other appliances
  • Purchase green power or carbon credits
  • Hot water – installation of solar hot water, hot water heat pump or setting temperature to a maximum of 50°c
  • Monitoring your business’ carbon emissions and continually seek to reduce emissions
  • Completion of an energy efficiency assessment such as Nabers or NaTHERS
  • Divestment from fossil fuels (banking and superannuation)
  • Insulation – insulating roof paint, wall and ceiling insulation
Water Use
  • Installing flow restrictors on taps
  • Installation of water tanks
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Mulching of gardens
  • Purchase water efficient appliances
  • Installation of a grey water system
  • Switching to electric vehicles
  • Incentives for staff and clientele to catch public transport or carpool
  • Providing staff the option to work from home
Waste & Recycling
  • Reduce waste generation
  • Maximise recycling
  • Circular economy principles
  • Minimise obsolescence (buying quality, repairable equipment where possible),
  • Sustainable and/or local procurement
  • Use of reusables vs. disposables
  • Lifecycle assessment practices
  • Switching to a paperless administration system

All done? Email your nomination to mail@switchyourthinking.com

Terms & Conditions

  1. Switched On Business is available to businesses located in Switch Your Thinking council areas.
  2. Switched On Business celebrates environmentally sustainable action. Corporate and social sustainability actions will not be considered when assessing nominations.
  3. The environmental action must be above and beyond what a business in your industry usually does.
  4. Only initiatives that are underway or have already been completed will be considered.
  5. Government organisations are not eligible.
  6. Self-nomination, nomination from the public and nomination from another organisation are accepted. Contact us to nominate.
  7. Recipients are determined by a panel of judges.

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