Information & test drive session helps Councils pave their way toward an electric vehicle fleet future

Electric vehicles accounted for 3.1% of Australia’s total car sales during 2022. That’s 33,410 vehicles – an increase of 94% compared to 2021 sales figures. During 2023, Australia will welcome its 100,000th electric vehicle. That’s impressive – but this is just a tiny slice of the 16.5 million electric vehicles already in operation worldwide. To keep up with the pace with the likes of Europe or China, Australia will need to step on the (combustion fuel free) accelerator.

To reach its national emission’s target, approximately 1,000,000 electric vehicles need to hit Australian roads by 2030. With only approximately 100,000 currently used in Australia, we’ve got some transitioning to do! Thankfully, government incentives, the declining cost of electric vehicles, an improvement in travel distance, rising fuel prices and an expansion in brands and models to choose from have all meant that electric vehicles are becoming an attractive and viable option for individuals and organisations alike.

Transitioning a local government light vehicle fleet towards one that includes electric vehicles was the core theme at a recent information session hosted by the City of Gosnells. Councillors and staff from the three councils that make up the South East Regional Energy Group (SEREG) were joined by sustainability and fleet staff from the City of Kwinana, City of Stirling, City of Perth, City of Canning, City of Swan, City of South Perth, Shire of Mundaring, City of Melville, City of Belmont and Town of Bassendean. Attendees were first treated to a test drive of different electric vehicle models including a Nissan Leaf, BYD Atto and Tesla Model X or S before sitting down to a comprehensive seminar.

Presentations included…

  1. The development of a transition framework to assist councils replace their Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles to EV alternatives (James Gard – Evenergi).
  2. An overview of EV vehicle servicing requirements and how these might differ from ICE vehicles (Alex Foster, EV Charging Systems).
  3. A lived experience of owning and operating an electric vehicle (Cr. Tricia Duggin from the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.
  4. An analysis of the different EV charging infrastructure currently available as well as some details on current government grants available (Alex Foster and Gary Evans, EV Charging Systems).
  5. The importance of assessing the power load-capacity of the site against the EV charging infrastructure requirements (Rojan Pandey, HFM Asset Management.)

This event has provided fleet managers and other council staff with critical information needed for the eventual transition away from ICE vehicles to EVs. SYT looks forward to hosting similar events of this type in the future, which work towards the core SEREG goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions at councils as well as within the wider community.


The Switch Your Thinking (SYT) team would like to take the opportunity to thank all speakers who presented on the day. SYT would also like to acknowledge the representatives of Nissan, BYD Atto and Tesla who took time out of their day to come and showcase these exciting vehicles.