Beans and bunches

Floristry is focussed on the beauty of nature, but it has taken a passion for sustainability and commitment from Beans and Bunches to reduce the environmental impact of their business.

Beans and Bunches in Northbridge have sought suppliers that can provide flowers plastic free and also offer this option to customers. All soft plastics are recycled and vases are offered as an alternative to the usual non-recyclable green foam used throughout the industry. Beans and Bunches also hire out vases for events, meaning they can be used again and again.

Flower miles refer to the carbon footprint of flowers. Cut flowers in Australian shops are often imported from countries such as Kenya, Vietnam and Ecuador and result in a lot of carbon emissions in their refrigeration and transport. The imported flowers are also often treated with pesticides in their production and then more chemicals in quarantine. Beans and Bunches have a focus on locally grown flowers and also stock native options. Native cut flowers are fresher and longer lasting than other varieties. Beans and Bunches also stocks dried native flowers for a low-waste alternative to permanent floral displays.

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