Business champions of waste reduction

Captains of reduce, reuse recycle! NE Solutions in Gosnells were recognised as a Switched on Business for their sustainable actions. Learn more about their story and see how you can implement actions into your home or business.

The NE Solutions team have helped hundreds of people from all walks of live declutter their homes and offices without damaging the environment.

Right from the beginning, NE Solutions owner and Director, Jay Shaw, had the goal of upcycling, recycling and reducing waste, as they help their clients move home and organise their lives.  

Reduce your office footprint

NE: Solutions have taken simple steps to reduce their office footprint. They’re shopping green when possible. Actions include:

  • Purchase recycled paper from local suppliers
  • Provide recycling bins in the office and encourage sub-tenants, staff and clients to use them
  • Provide reusable coffee cups for clients
  • Purchase eco-friendly toilet paper and soap for the office bathroom

Any business can enshrine green office choices by starting a “green procurement” practice, pledging that the impact on the environment will be considered when they make purchases. This can extend to clients too.

You can also follow NE: Solutions’ lead and offer clients a recycled or reused products. NE: Solutions offer clients reused removal boxes, which delights customers as it reduces costs and does the same job. 

Recycling in the office and at home

There are free specialist recycling programs available for small businesses and individuals to recycle used bits and pieces.  

NE: Solutions have made it part of their business to pop clients old spectacles, batteries, lightbulbs, printer cartridges, e-waste and mobile phones in community recycling points. Follow their lead at home, or set up a collection point in your office.

Find the closest collection point to you at the Recycling Near You website

If you can’t find a program to take your recycling, why not look for your own solution?

Some personal documents need to be shredded and shredded paper can’t be recycled. NE: Solutions found local animal shelters and vets need shredded paper, so they contact them after a clean out.

Reduce your overheads

NE: Solutions furnished the office with second hand furniture, not that you’d notice.

You can buy most things second-hand and at saving for the business, like chairs, desks, rugs and telephones. This is easier than ever with the community connecting online through Gumtree, local Facebook groups and in op-shops. It’s still possible to pull together a professional and coordinated office without the financial and environmental costs of buying new.

Engage your colleagues

NE Solutions is a great example of how you can bring co-workers and staff along on your sustainability journey.

For Christmas Jay gave everyone in the office a reusable water bottle. She provided a water filter in the office. Jay reported “It was just so easy to do”

This single move has saved an estimated 7000 plastic water bottles from landfill per year! Staff and clients also enjoy their tea and coffee, stored in reused glass jars, in a real coffee mug, avoiding throw away single serves and paper cups.

Declutter to save the planet

NE Solutions have some great initiatives which reduce waste and help the community. Why not implement their professional advice in your home or office?

  • Create food packages for needy citizens from unwanted, unexpired food
  • Donate unwanted blankets to dog shelters
  • Sell unwanted furniture via facebook or gumtree
  • Give unwanted but useable items to the needy.

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