Cheese, wine and waste reduction

The Cheese Barrel and Olive Farm Wines have been recognised as a Switched on Business for their efforts in waste reduction.

Deputy Mayor Cr Kevin Bailey from the City of Swan present the crew at the Cheese Barrel and Olive Farm Wines with a certificate of recognition

Switched on Business celebrates sustainable action in local business.  The Swan Valley establishment have increased their focus on waste reduction over the past year including the following actions:

  • Rally local businesses to participate in organic waste collection
  •  Reuse packaging as kids colouring-in paper
  •  Reuse scrap office paper for taking orders from customers
  •  Encourage suppliers to take back packaging and recycling all other paper, cardboard, glass and hard plastics
  • Separate soft plastics for REDcycle recycling
  • Remove the lids and cut the rings off our juice, lemonade and milk bottles, allowing the recycling of the bottles and protecting wildlife
  • Set up a TerraCycle recycling point for latex food handling gloves
  • Switched from plastic to paper straws and joined the Last Straw
  • Switched to BioPak and Endura for all unavoidable disposable packaging, enabling end-of-life composting
  • Dispose of oil through Bioworks which is then converted into biodiesel
  • Encourage guests to decorate using paper lanterns, fabric bunting and flowers rather than balloons and glitter 

These achievements were made possible through the actions of a couple of dedicated employees and the support of business owners.

Find out more about Switched on Business, including terms and conditions of entry, here.

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