Cutting kitchen waste

Cutting kitchen waste makes sense. Giving scraps to chooks, worms or your compost reduces waste to landfill and emissions, but wherever possible, food grown for human consumption should be eaten by humans.

By making a few simple changes in your kitchen, you can help make the most of the water, energy and resources used to grow, harvest, transport and process your food.

  1. Plan ahead – Put a meal idea against each night of the week and make the plan available to your family.
  2. Choose less packaging – Aim for plastic-free purchases
  3. Buy what you need – Shop frequently, stick to your list and avoid impulse buys
  4. Store food correctly – Fridge, freezer, pantry or counter? Every food has its favourite spot. Find out more.
  5. Cook the right amount – Our portions are often too big. Save time and money by only cooking what you need.
  6. Eat it or store for later – Love your leftovers, store them well and plan how you will use them. See recipe ideas here.

Find out other ways to cut kitchen waste.

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