Do good, feel good in 2018

As people around you rapidly abandon their new year’s resolutions, take time to consider how you can help your pocket and the planet with a few green changes in 2018.

Save energy

Summer in Perth is hot. The rise in temperature is often accompanied by a rising electricity bill as air-conditioners across the city are put through their paces. Switch your thinking is sending a few SMS messages this summer prompting residents to shift their electricity use outside of times of peak demand. To volunteer to receive the peak load SMS and receive a free monthly Energysmart tip, SMS your first name and postcode to 0409 497 125.

Find out more

Go solar

To cut your energy bill even further, consider installing solar in 2018. Australia leads the world in rooftop solar installation. Switch your thinking has partnered with Clean NRG Solar to offer homeowners in Switch your thinking council areas a 15 percent discount on solar installation. Visit the website for more information.

Find out more

BYO cup

More than 500 billion single-use coffee cups are produced globally every year! Help cut waste by refusing disposable coffee cups and taking your own travel mug to your favourite café. Switch your thinking has partnered with Responsible Cafes to encourage more cafes across Perth to offer a discount to reward customers that bring their own cups.

Find a cafe near you

Eat green

Australians throw away four million tonnes of food every year. When you discard food, you are also discarding all of the water, fertiliser, fuel and energy that were used to grow the food and transport it to you. By switching a few habits you can make a big difference to your environmental footprint and your household budget.

Check out our top ten tips for eating green


There are people in your community taking sustainable action every day. Find them through the Transition Town Network, local conservation groups, the Keep Australia Beautiful WA Adopt a Spot program or contact your local council for more volunteering opportunities.

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