Summer water savings

We use over 40 percent of our water in the garden! Perth summers are getting hotter and drier and we need to work together to reduce our use.

We use over 40 percent of our water in the garden! Perth summers are getting hotter and drier and we need to work together to reduce our use:

  1. Choose waterwise plants. Not sure what’s suited to your area? Explore the Water Corporation’s Waterwise Plants Directory.
  2. Cut evaporation by 20 percent by adding five to ten centimetres of mulch to your garden.
  3. Water before nine in the morning to allow plants to use water through the day and turn off your sprinklers if rain is forecast.
  4. The Water Corporation provides residents with offers on waterwise products such as mulch, soil improver and wetting agent from your local Bunnings. Visit Water Corporation for details or to download your voucher.
  5. Need help? Seek the advice of a waterwise garden irrigator or design shop.

Visit Water Corporation for more information

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