Five plastic free swaps

Plastic Free July involves millions of people across 150 countries. Could you refuse single-use plastic in July?

Our top five plastic-free swaps will ensure your plastic free habits stretch into August and beyond.

  1. Remember your shopping bags. Everyone has reusable shopping bags, get into the habit of taking them with you. You’ll reduce plastic waste and save money now that free plastic bags are a thing of the past.
  2. Skip the straw. Plastic straws are the perfect example of a single-use plastic that we can live without. Next time you order a drink remember to ask for ‘no straw please’. Encourage local venues to join the Last Straw initiative and only offer straws upon request.
  3. Pack a reusable water bottle. Beverage containers are one of the most littered items in Western Australia. Skip the sugary drinks and overpriced water and pack your own water bottle when you leave the house.
  4. #BYOCoffeeCup. There is one lurking in the back of your cupboard and it will be universally accepted by cafes for your morning coffee. Choose a Responsible Cafe and you’ll even score yourself a discount.
  5. Reusable produce bags. Do you remember your shopping bags and then notice at the check out that most of your items are packaged in plastic? Opt for reusable produce bags, you can make your own or buy them ready made.

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