Waste free party tips

Parties can be a huge source of waste, from disposable plates and cutlery to wrapping paper, present packaging and unwanted toys. Here are some tips to reduce the environmental impact of your child’s party.

  • Use reusable plates, cups and bowls (you could even purchase a kit with reusable cutlery and crockery and share it amongst your friends, school or local community group).
  • Don’t use balloons – They easily escape to create litter and are mistaken for food by animals. Balloons can be replaced with reusable fabric bunting.
  • Avoid plastic wrap by placing party food in reusable lidded containers or use beeswax wraps. 
  • Juice boxes are common at parties but are not recyclable. Buy large bottles of juice and use reusable cups. 
  • Have a Fiver party – Instead of presents that create clutter and waste you can gently suggest that if attendees wish to give a gift they give $5 and a card to allow the birthday child to buy their own present. This can also reduce stress and expense for the parents who need to buy the gifts.
  • Wrap presents in reused paper or fabric. 
  • Use paper bags for party bags and include unwrapped lollies or cardboard favours. 

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